Email: [email protected] 電話: +86 (0) 10 65129057 営業時間: 月曜 – 金曜 9am-6pm (中国時間)
Suite 910 Building A, Modern Mansion, Xiangyang South St. 218
Xuhui District / French Concessions 200030 Shanghai
徐汇区襄阳南路218号 现代大厦 A座 910室
"The Chinese Semester Program is fantastic for absolute beginners and those with a minimal knowledge of Chinese. Each day of studying Chinese is satisfying and rewarding because the results are tangible outside of the classroom."
"The amazing staff and excellent teachers at LTL provide for a very welcoming, highly professional and encouraging learning environment. Staff and teachers were highly flexible at all times. Highly recommended!"
"The best thing about LTL school, in my opinion - is the informal atmosphere in class and school. The teachers really became my friends. I studied with Lucy and Felix and we would do things together outside of class which included ice skating."
During my stay at LTL I participated in the Chinese Semester Program, which is 18-weeks of intense Chinese study. In my opinion, this program is fantastic for absolute beginners and those with a minimal knowledge of Chinese. Each day of studying Chinese is satisfying and rewarding because the results are tangible once you are outside of the classroom. The teachers are fantastic and classes are always interesting and fun. The first time you understand someone speaking Mandarin to you is a glorious moment!
Alana in The Forbidden City
Group class is great because of the engaging and fun atmosphere it provides. Each day you have the same classmates, and sometimes new ones who only stay for a short time. This creates a fun dynamic, and in my class we were laughing every day. Studying Chinese can be difficult and frustrating, and some days you think your brain is exploding with information. Being able to have fun in class is a true blessing.
By the end of the semester we were regularly using inside jokes (in Mandarin) to describe certain situations. On a more studious note, often a classmate will ask a question that you wouldn’t have ever thought of, which is one of the main reasons I found group classes so valuable.
The major benefit to the semester program for me was having consistent friends. Many people come and go from LTL, as it’s quite common for people to stay a few weeks at a time. When you are alone in China, being able to have people to rely on, people to grow with, and people to be joyful with is a fortunate experience. By the end of the semester you will have formed a bond with your teacher(s), your classmates, and if you’re lucky made lifelong friendships.
Alana With Friends
Outside of the classroom, the semester program is great if you are also new to China itself! Having never visited China – let alone Asia – I found it a real struggle to assimilate into the culture, society, and day-to-day life of the Chinese people. Unusual circumstances, and problems are always bound to pop up in the chaotic city of Beijing (it’s what makes it so memorable). Sometimes things became too overwhelming, and I often wondered how I could keep going, but having the time and the support from the friends I made at LTL is what made my experiences all worthwhile.
I have had such a great experience with LTL Beijing. I spent three months of full-time studies in both small group and one-on-one classes at the school.
The amazing staff and excellent teachers at LTL Beijing make for a very welcoming and friendly atmosphere. It’s highly professional and an encouraging learning environment.
Before coming to LTL Beijing I had no knowledge of Chinese. I have been able to reach a fair level of basic everyday Chinese in a very quick amount of time. This was really helped by the fact that staff and teachers were highly flexible at all times and paid attention to adjust the schedule and content of my classes in a way to support my individual study goals.
Outside of the classroom, LTL also offers a great community that allows you not only to meet other students from all over the world but also to embrace a lot of typical local activities in China and get more connected with the culture which is unique. Would absolutely recommend highly to anyone!
My name is Vera and I come from Russia. I attended LTL School for about four months and I studied the LTL Semester Program.
Alana and Vera Ice skating with Teacher Felix and Lucy
In such a short time my Chinese grew incredibly, beyond levels that I did not expect. When starting school at LTL I had zero knowledge of Chinese, and also with a very low level of English (although I knew that the classes be in English). This added to the challenge for me and I feel actually helped my Mandarin improve quicker because I did not have the temptation to speak in English, because I couldn’t. It was this and the situation in the school helped me even faster to speed up my training.
The best thing about LTL school, in my opinion – is the informal atmosphere in class and school. The teachers really became my friends. I studied with Lucy and Felix and we would do things together outside of class which included ice skating and going for dinner. My teachers and my classmates became real friends and made my time at LTL a pleasure.